Women's protests in Sudan

In Sudan, numbers of women are joining the protests that have been going on in Sudan even though there has been a crackdown by the security forces and reports of sexual harassment. The article mentions that women have made up 70% of the marches in Sudan. I believe that the women are protesting against the country's Public Order Act and other things that have going on there. Some examples that make up the order act is 1) women must wear headscarfs and cannot wear trousers 2) women cannot war obscene outfits or cause an annoyance to public feelings. The article also has stories that women shared about their hair getting cut off while being detained by security agents. "They cut the bun off my head with a razor blade and they threatened me with rape when I was taken in their truck from downtown Khartoum" Jode Tariq said. Dozens of women have been thrown into jail because of stuff like this. Recently, the women in Sudan have started to fight against the abuse by using a private all-women Facebook group that was set up three years ago to identify cheating husbands and follow their crushes. The Sudanese authorities have tried to block social media in the country, but the women bypass the blockage by using Virtual Private Networks (VPN) which hides a user's location.

Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-47291511Women protesting in Khartoum, Sudan


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